What is the IRCA-BSSA?

The collection and exchange of medical information on surgical and medical treatment, e.g. drug information, is obviously essential for the eradication of various illnesses and effective improvement of patient QOL. Additionally, collection and exchange of biochemical information on illnesses, public health information in areas of increased incidence, and similar information is also crucial. In reality, however, fragmentation and specialization of academic fields has led to weakened ties between these fields, resulting in difficulty exchanging information and sharing research results. Asia represents a large portion of the world’s population and medicine in the region has garnered a great deal of attention, but the region has lacked an easily accessible medical and drug information network until now.
The International Research and Cooperation Association for Bio & Socio-Sciences Advancement (IRCA-BSSA) is working to maintain a network that promotes information exchange among researchers active in various fields and seeks to cultivate and develop a global medical and drug information network originating in Asia.
Our Activities

1. In cooperation with Japanese and foreign research bodies and various academic organizations, we are creating a rapid and easy-to-access network to promote the collection and exchange of information on cutting-edge academic research, foster academic exchanges and research collaboration among researchers in different fields and in different regions, and to promote the international sharing of information.
2. In response to the needs of the international community, we are creating an efficient and comprehensive information databaseand developing human resources with comprehensive information and knowledge.
3. We are publishing a speciality journal to serve as a medium for the distribution of academic information.